Sunday, November 25, 2012

20,000 Words on Day 5

Yesterday was an amazing day of writing for me. By 10:30 last night I had written 7000 words for the day. Most of the time I was averaging 1000 words an hour, although from time to time there would be slight setbacks.... lunch, supper, feeding Rowan.

Just look at that graph! What a jump!
Reg and the baby spent the better part of the day at the mall and didn't come home till almost 5:30. By then I think I'd reached 5000 words. It is harder to write when they are home, but I can't really expect my family to pack up and move out when I'm writing. I think yesterday I learned that with one or two fairly quiet days I can expect to get in 5-7 thousand words max.

Today I'm going to shoot to hit 25,000. Reg is making french toast, Rowan is hanging out in his mamaRoo, and I'm getting ready to write until Ethan's birthday party... or until my sister calls looking for help.

I'm really happy now with where the story is going. The characters are starting to take on personalities that are recognizable, and I've created a couple of secondary characters that I'm pretty fond of.

I tried to hit 21,000 last night. But only made it to 20,644. I wanted to push about her 350 words out of me but it was an important scene and I didn't want to write just for the sake of words. It needs to make sense, after all.

So there you have it. Today is Sunday. I have until Friday to complete it. At this moment I'm feeling like this is a realistic goal. Hurrah!

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